The M-Word

The M-Word

The M-Word (Post Update) You’ve probably heard of the multiple benefits of meditation, such as stress relief, pain management, possible memory improvement, and others. Are you thinking, “blah, blah, blah…”?  Does learning how to meditate excite you...
Three Ways to Save Your Back in the Garden

Three Ways to Save Your Back in the Garden

Three Ways to Save Your Back in the Garden Greetings, Let’s face it –  if we spend time working in the yard, we often end up  with a sore back.  Here are some ideas for you to prevent the ache. Warm up first.   I know, it sounds so boring.   But it could be just...
May Sunshine

May Sunshine

Here on the coast of B.C., we’ll take sunshine in any form right now. Do you dig these out, mow them down, and generally wish they’d never shown up in your yard? Perhaps you’ve heard that they’re “good for you”, but you’ve tried to eat them, and were not impressed. See below for a delicious Dandelion recipe.