Perhaps you’ve been considering trying yoga for a while but are hesitating because of one reason or another. Perhaps you’re pregnant. Maybe you’re a runner. Maybe you’re a muscle-bound man. Perhaps you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, or are over 50 and feel too stiff for yoga.
Here’s how yoga can actually be very beneficial in each of these circumstances:
Pregnant: A regular yoga class will generally not be suitable for you if you’re expecting a baby. There should, however, be prenatal yoga classes running fairly frequently in your community. Attending yoga while pregnant can have profound effects on your comfort, your breathing techniques during labour (for pain management) and your ability to recover your strength and fitness after the baby is born.
- Runner: Yoga is a great complement to running, as it will stretch your overused muscles and bring your body into greater balance. It can also enhance your self-awareness, which is effective for injury prevention.
- Muscle-bound: Feeling far too tight to even think about doing some of those poses you see? Look for a specific “Yoga for Men” class.
- Recuperating: A very gentle class can greatly help you in your recovery process. As well, one-on-one therapeutic yoga is perfectly suited to helping you regain your mobility and comfort.
- Over 50 and new to yoga: You might want to find a teacher who is also over 50, or who is experienced in teaching mature bodies. Even if you’re fit, you’ll need to learn how to approach yoga poses with respect, and with awareness of joint alignment. There’s a variety of seniors’ classes offered locally.
Make sure to check with your physician before starting yoga, especially if you belong to one of the above categories. You may also like to speak in advance with a few teachers, to ensure they can accommodate your needs.
*Catherine Reid is a Registered Yoga Teacher. Looking for a yoga class in the Comox Valley? Tell me when, where and what kind at, or call 250-898-8414.